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Blog comment and moderation guidelines

Site participation guidelines

When posting comments, please observe our site participation guidelines:


Be respectful of others who use this site. Do not use language that is offensive, inflammatory or provocative. This includes, but is not limited to, swearing and obscene or vulgar comments.

Do not break the law. This includes libel, condoning illegal activity and contempt of court.


Keep comments concise.

Stay on topic. We understand and recognise that people have strong views on the topic of digital identity, identity cards and the idea of a national identity database. We won’t approve comments that simply state opposition or support for these concepts or policies in general terms.

Do not use this site for party political purposes. This site is paid for with public money so it's inappropriate to engage in party-political activity.

Please do not post personal information in comments such as addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses or other online contact details, which may relate to you or other individuals.

Do not impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or an organisation. Do not attempt to log on using another user’s account.

Do not make any commercial endorsement or promotion of any product, service or publication not relevant to the discussion.

Who is allowed to comment

If you are aged 16 or under, please get the permission of your parent or guardian before participating. Users without this consent are not allowed to participate.

How we moderate comments

Blog comments are pre-moderated to check they comply with the participation guidelines above. If comments don’t comply they will not be published.

Here is a brief outline of how we evaluate comments.

Is this comment on topic, does it add value to the discussion and can DSIT answer publicly?

If so, post a timely response within 1 week.

Is this person asking for information or detail relating to the programme?

If so, we'll pass the query on and ensure it is dealt with as quickly as possible. We will update the user on progress.

Is this comment reporting a problem with the register of digital identity and attribute providers, or raising an issue with a specific digital identity provider?

If so, alert the team responsible for investigating or fixing the issue and tell the user this has been done.

Is this comment a rant at DSIT or the government, venting frustration or anger?

If so, stop, monitor and discuss with the communications team first, referring to the participation guidelines.